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Primary and Secondary Learning Styles
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1.When I try to concentrate…

I grow distracted by clutter or movement, and I notice things around me other people don’t notice.

I get distracted by sounds, and I attempt to control the amount and type of noise around me.

I become distracted by commotion, and I tend to retreat inside myself.

2.When I visualize…

I see vivid, detailed pictures in my thoughts.

I think in voices and sounds.

I see images in my thoughts that involve movement.

3.When I talk with others…

I find it difficult to listen for very long.

I enjoy listening, or I get impatient to talk myself.

I gesture and communicate with my hands.

4.When I contact people…

I prefer face-to-face meetings.

I prefer speaking by telephone for serious conversations.

I prefer to interact while walking or participating in some activity.

5.When I see an acquaintance…

I forget names but remember faces, and I tend to replay where we met for the first time.

I know people’s names and I can usually quote what we discussed.

I remember what we did together and I may almost “feel” our time together.

6.When I relax…

I watch TV, see a play, visit an exhibit, or go to a movie.

I listen to the radio, play music, read, or talk with a friend.

I play sports, make crafts, or build something with my hands.

7.When I read…

I like descriptive examples and I may pause to imagine the scene.

I enjoy the narrative most and I can almost “hear” the characters talk.

I prefer action-oriented stories, but I do often read for pleasure.

8.When I spell…

I envision the word in my mind or imagine what the word looks like when written.

I sound out the word, sometimes aloud, and tend to recall rules about letter order.

I get a feel for the word by writing it out or pretending to type it.

9.When I do something new…

I seek out demonstrations, pictures, or diagrams.

I want verbal and written instructions, and to talk it over with someone else.

I jump right in to try it, keep trying, and try different approaches.

10.When I assemble an object…

I look at the picture first and then, maybe, read the directions.

I read the directions, or I talk aloud as I work.

I usually ignore the directions and figure it out as I go along.

11.When I interpret someone’s mood…

I examine facial expressions.

I rely on listening to tone of voice.

I focus on body language.

12.When I teach other people…

I show them.

I tell them, write it out, or I ask them a series of questions.

I demonstrate how it is done and then ask them to try.






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Primary and Secondary Learning Styles

Your Learning Style

Your primary learning style:

Your secondary learning style: